Location Scouting & Permitting

Location, location, location…it’s always about location.

Bringing your message to the streets is only as effective as being in the right location. We’ve probably been there already, but if we haven’t, our team will identify highly relevant, impactful areas where your brand WILL BE NOTICED.

Permitting involves obtaining necessary permissions from local municipalities and/or private property entities, while also leveraging valuable connections to navigate and negotiate the permit acquisition process. Permits are not always a given – many times permit requests need to be laid out in a way that the office granting the permit trusts that the event will not be disruptive or negatively impact the community at large – otherwise, there’s always the possibility of being denied. Sweeter has the knowledge, expertise and the right relationships that can significantly streamline the permit acquisition process and obtain all permissions, ensuring we activate in the most desirable, relevant locations meeting the consumers that brands looks to connect with.

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Bringing your brand to:

  • Relevant High Foot Traffic Areas
  • Pedestrian Plazas
  • Existing Events – Festivals, Fairs, Exhibitions/Conventions
  • Private Property Locations
  • …or just go Guerrilla and, if need be, beg for forgiveness later!
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Audible Original x Marcus Samuelsson

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